Enerqos, energy efficiency and renewable energy

With energy efficiency and renewable energy, Enerqos Energy Solutions opens the door to important, strategic benefits for your company.

enerqos company profile

Reduced consumption and costs, increased competitive advantage, increased environmental sustainability and improved corporate image. This is why we have been committed for 15 years here at Enerqosto offer energy efficiency solutions and technologies for renewable energy production, capable of generatingconcrete results for companies, with a view to an increasingly green future.

We are an ESCo – Energy Service Company, certifiedaccording to UNI CEI 11352:2014, and we are your ideal partner because, thanks to an all-round approach and diversified and consolidated skills, we can design a customised solution for you that is more suited to your needs.

We select, design and create installation works with high technological content to immediately reduce energy costs. We take care of obtaining all the necessary authorisationson a turnkeybasis and offer you operational, consulting and financial support. We are able to offer you numerous contractual formulas, accompany you in accessing forms of incentives, or support the initial investmentfor you against a sharing of the savings generated.

Our mission: competitiveness and sustainability

Enerqos was born with a precise mission, which remains unchanged and indeed benefits from the constant evolution of the energy sector. We want to make our contribution to the environment and simultaneously guarantee small and medium sized Italian enterprises an increased competitive advantage by promoting renewable energy and implementing energy efficiency solutions.

Our principles

To be faithful to our mission, we have always been committed to 5 fundamental principles:

  • independence in choosing the best technological resources available on the market,
  • flexibility in the development of energy solutions that meet customer needs,
  • creation of value through reducing energy costs and sharing savings,
  • global customer support, short and long term,
  • financial capacity for the implementation of the planned intervention.